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martedì 19 novembre 2013
domenica 10 novembre 2013
lunedì 4 novembre 2013
Ph.D. Thesis Introduction
Blast resistance assessment of structures: explicit finite element simulations and fragility analyses
In the mid-twentieth
century Abraham Maslow wrote a paper on the hierarchy of the human needs
[Maslow 1943]. Considering for instance
the physiological needs (see Figure
1‑1) the humans should have employment, health,
and property; in other words the human needs security. In general, security is guaranteed by a
secure shelter, such as a secure residence, a secure office, and a secure
city. Without security a society cannot
develop and prosper.
Having security means
to be protected by adverse environmental conditions, daily human activities, animals,
and man-made attacks. Moreover the
perception of a risk due to each one of the mentioned hazards is not perceived
with the same intensity by the community [Pidgeon 1998] and the perception of
the risk is generally variable. In
particular the hazard due to man-made attacks is mostly perceived in the beginning
of the twenty-first century.
The protection of
buildings and critical infrastructures against man-made attacks is a priority
for a stable and secure society. A
failure of the security system of a community leads to a socio-economic
instability and consequently to a decline of the community. Nowadays like in the past a protective design
[Krauthammer 2008a] against man-made attacks is imperative, especially
considering that the free world is constantly engaged by terrorism that aims at
the destabilization of the community.

In fact, terrorism is
the new kind of warfare. Records of
terrorism activities provided by the U.S. Department of State report that 85 %
of terrorist attacks is conducted by explosives devices [DoS 2003, DoS 2004, DoS
2005, and DoS 2006]. This fact leads to the
need to design buildings and critical infrastructures against explosions. Moreover, also accidental explosions in
explosive storage facilities (military or civil) and in the urban contest are
considered to be a serious threat for the security of a community.
Briefly designing
structures for blast load is a security’s prerogative of the community. Without an adequate level of protection a
prosperous community cannot withstand the threat of the terrorism and a
socio-economic decline is inevitable.
A protective
construction should principally guarantee the maximum reasonable survivability
of the occupants. If the prevention
strategies of defense (e.g. intelligence and police activities) fail, the design
for blast is the only chance to limit the consequences of an explosion.
Approaches to design
for blast can be divided in either deterministic or probabilistic. Generally a facility is designed based on a
standard threat so a deterministic approach is used. However if the statistics of the threat and
of the mechanical properties of the structure are known a probabilistic
approach is preferred.
A generic structure is
composed by several structural elements (components) forming an organized
structural scheme. The structural
response of the components is identified as “local response” (e.g. the
structural response of a column); instead, the structural response of the
overall structural scheme is identified as “global response” (e.g. the stability
of a building after a column failure).
The resistance of a
generic structure subjected to a blast load is measured in terms of collapse
resistance defined as the exceeding of a performance limit concerning the global
and/or the local response.
The collapse
resistance can be assessed directly by applying the blast demand to the
structure (un-decomposed approach) or by decomposing the collapse resistance (decomposed
approach) in three components: the hazard mitigation (hazard), the local
resistance (vulnerability), and the global resistance (structural
robustness). In the latter case the
collapse resistance is determined quantifying the three components by a
deterministic or probabilistic approach.
Looking at the probabilistic approach the collapse probability is given
by the product of each conditional probability of the collapse probability’s
components. In probabilistic terms
commonly used in earthquake engineering (see [Bazzurro et al. 1998, Fragiadakis
et al. 2013, and Kennedy et al. 1984]) the decomposed approach is called
conditional approach and expressed formally by Eq. (1‑1).
Where Hi is the hazard related to the blast scenario “i” (where the scenario is defined by the parameters determining the intensity of the blast action), also known as Intensity Measure (IM) in other engineering fields [Whittaker et al. 2003, Ciampoli et al. 2011, and Reed et al. 1994], LD is the structural local damage, C is the collapse event, P[∙|∙] indicates a conditional probability, P[∙] indicates a probability, and the summation ∑ is extended to all scenarios.

Figure 1‑2: Collapse resistance decomposition
Concerning the hazard
mitigation, this Thesis focuses on the gas explosions in civil buildings. Deterministic Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD)
simulations are carried out for assessing the influence of three crucial parameters
determining the severity of the blast load due to the deflagration of a gas
cloud. These parameters are the room
congestion, the failure of non-structural walls and the location of the ignition. Each of these parameters can change
drastically the blast demand on the structure.
Usually the room congestion is present in a building and it should be
considered in the simulations; the failure of non-structural walls should be
taken into account for not overestimating the overpressures generated by the
explosion; instead the effect of the location of the ignition should be
investigated by performing several simulations with different locations of the
ignition (see section 2.3).
The local resistance
is investigated both deterministically and probabilistically. As mentioned previously, with the term local
resistance is intended the resistance of the single component of the structural
system subjected to the blast load. The
fragility analysis, see [Bazzurro et al. 1998, Fragiadakis et al. 2013, and Kennedy
et al. 1984], is carried out with two different intensity measures, and two different
applications are proposed.
- First a terroristic attack carried out by a probabilistically defined vehicle bomb is considered and a method for computing the fragility curves is provided for a concrete cladding wall panel subjected to blast loads. The probabilities of exceeding the defined limit states are computed by both the uncoupled and coupled approaches [Reed et al. 1994] for testing both the proposed method for computing the fragility curves and the selected intensity measure (see section 3.1).
- After that, the accidental explosion of mortar rounds in a military facility engaging a steel built-up door is considered probabilistically. In addition, a safety factor for carrying out deterministic analyses of steel built-up blast doors subjected to accidental explosions of mortar ammunitions is proposed. Also for this second application the fragility analysis is validated by confronting the obtained results in terms of probability of exceeding a limit state with the results obtained with the uncoupled approach [Reed et al. 1994] (see section 3.2).
The probabilistic
study of the local resistance is developed in collaboration with the Prof.
Charis Gantes and the Prof. Dimitrios Vamvatsikos of the National Technical
University of Athens (NTUA) during the spring/summer 2013.
The local resistance is
also investigated deterministically by detailed explicit finite element
simulations performed using LS-Dyna [LSTC 2012]. The blast generated demands can be
categorized into far design range and close-in design range. In the far design range the blast generated
pressure demands can be considered uniform on the structure, while in the
close-in design range blast pressures are non-uniform and the pressure
magnitudes can be very high.
- Concerning the far design range the National Science Foundation (NSF) funded a study made by the University of Missouri Kansas City (UMKC) to perform a batch of blast resistance tests on reinforced concrete slabs. Based on these results, a Blast Blind Simulation Contest was being sponsored in collaboration with American Concrete Institute (ACI) Committees 447 (Finite Element of Reinforced Concrete Structures) and 370 (Blast and Impact Load Effects), and UMKC School of Computing and Engineering. The goal of the contest was to predict, using simulation methods, the response of reinforced concrete slabs subjected to a blast load. The blast response was simulated using a Shock Tube (Blast Loading Simulator) located at the Engineering Research and Design Center, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers at Vicksburg, Mississippi. A team for participating at the contest has been formed by the author of this Thesis Pierluigi Olmati (Sapienza University of Rome), Patrick Trasborg (Lehigh University), Dr. Luca Sgambi (Politecnico di Milano), Prof. Clay J. Naito (Lehigh University), and Prof. Franco Bontempi (Sapienza University of Rome). The submitted prediction of the slab’s deflection was declared The Winner of The Blast Blind Simulation Contest (http://sce.umkc.edu/blast-prediction-contest/ - accessed August 2013) for the concurring category (see section 3.3).
- Regarding the close-in design range, concrete elements exhibit localized damage in the form of spalling and/or breach. When the depth of the spall exceeds half of the element thickness breach often occurs. The resistance to spall and breach in concrete elements is an important design consideration when close-in detonations of high explosives are possible. Spall on the interior face of the structural element can result in the formation of small concrete fragments which can travel at hundreds of feet per second [DoD 2008] causing serious injuries and equipment damages. In this Thesis, the spall and breach resistance is investigated for insulated concrete wall panels by detailed explicit finite element analyses performed using LS-Dyna [LSTC 2012]. The spall and breach resistance is assessed to be dependent by the thickness of the insulation that guarantees a gap between the exterior and interior concrete wythes (see section 3.4). Moreover experimental tests were conducted at the Air Force Research Laboratory in Panama City, FL. The report of the experimental test has to be approved for the “Statement A - for public realize and unlimited distribution” following the rules of the United State Department of Defense for being published (see section 3.4.3).
The study on the spall
and breach resistance of insulated concrete cladding wall panels was developed
at the Lehigh University during the winter/spring 2012 in collaboration with
Prof. Clay J. Naito (Lehigh University).
Finally the global
resistance of a structure is investigated by two methods. As mentioned before, with global resistance
is intended the resistance of a structural system against a failure of one or
more structural components.
- The first method is based on the consequence factor obtained confronting the elastic stiffness matrices of the damaged and undamaged structure. This methodology takes into account the consequences of extreme loads on structures, focusing on the influence that the loss of primary elements has on the structural load bearing capacity. Briefly a method for the evaluation of the structural robustness of skeletal structures is presented and tested in simple structures. Following that, an application focuses on a case study bridge, the extensively studied I-35W Minneapolis steel truss bridge. The bridge, which had a structural design particularly sensitive to extreme loads, recently collapsed for a series of other reasons, in part still under investigation. The applied method aims, in addition to the robustness assessment, at increasing the collapse resistance of the structure by testing alternative designs (see section 4.1).
- The second proposed method take account the non-linear dynamic behavior of a structure for assessing its structural robustness. The method is developed for buildings and it is based on the hypothesis of the removal column scenario. The column is suddenly removed and a non-linear dynamic analysis is carried out for assessing if the disproportionate collapse occurs, if not a non-linear static pushover is carried out on both the damaged and undamaged configuration of the building for estimating the residual capacity of the building. This procedure is repeated both increasing the number of the removed columns and for several scenarios. The robustness is so assessed for a steel tall building (see section 4.2).
The following sections
contain the carried out studies on the collapse resistance of structures under
man-made or accidental explosions following the decomposition of the collapse
resistance shows in Figure
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